Looking for some good eats? A place where not only the palate is satisfied, but, your other senses as well? Then let me tell you of a place nearby that will bring a smile and happiness to your senses.

The Apple Barn, located on Apple Valley Road in Sevierville.

A visit to the Apple Barn is a delight to the senses. You can see, smell and taste the fruits that come straight from the farm. As soon as you enter the General Store the delicious fragrance of the apple is a delight to the nose. There are many things here that relate to the mighty apple by look, smell and taste. There is a section devoted to the pressed apple – juice, cider and sparkling juice, no artificial here, just pure golden apple. Believe me there is nothing more delicious and satisfying then the crunch of biting an apple fresh off the tree.

Besides apples you’ll find hams and bacon smoked with real apple wood, no artificial here. Nothing like fresh bacon and eggs in the morning with your coffee. The bakery area offers fresh baked apple pies, fried pies, apple dumplings and much more. Next you have the Candy Factory, nothing like apples and chocolate for the kid in us. Next you have the Creamery, for ice cream of course. Try the apple sundae while at the Creamery, your taste buds will thank you. After you finish off your sundae, stop by the Christmas and Candle Shop where you’ll find more innovated and innumerable ways to appreciate the apple.

After everything is said and done there is only one more stop I can recommend to you at the Apple Barn, and that’s at the Winery. Nothing beats a day of sight seeing as a relaxing set in the hot tub back at the cabin and a glass of delicious apple wine to relax the body and soul.

Apple Wines is one of the area wineries, that Marietta’s Dream, uses as a thank you gift to my guest