Marietta’s Dream, why was the cabin named Marietta’s Dream and who was Marietta?
 Marietta 1944 - 2016

1944 – 2016

The tale started back at the turn of the century, 16 years ago, at the first motorcycle event Marietta and I had attended in Knoxville.

It was the 2000 Honda Hoot, a week long event with many rides into the surrounding area. It was on these rides and meeting the local people that made you feel right at home, like a distant relative that had come to visit that started our love affair with Tennessee. We had returned here many times on vacation, we always left with a warm feeling and a desire to return again to visit old acquaintances and make new ones.

A couple of years ago Marietta said she had decided that she would like to retire here. Who was I to disagree?

We found this cabin and purchased it. Unfortunately Marietta contracted a very aggressive cancer and died before she was able to live in it.

The cabin was Marietta’s dream and hence the name, in memory of her that, the cabin was christened Marietta’s Dream.

So, live, love, eat, drink and be merry. She would not want it any other way.